Cristiana Braga

Cristiana is an entrepreneurial Service Engineer, holding a Master's Science Degree in Services Engineering and Management from the University of Porto.

She's developing Peeking Window, a Fraunhofer Portugal (FhP) AICOS spin-off, focused on facilitating the early detection and treatment of chronic irreversible eye diseases through software-based Artificial Intelligence that helps eye care practitioners with efficient patient screening and triaging.

She's experienced in designing human-centred information and communication solutions as a Scientist at FhP AICOS. Her work includes conducting user research and co-creation with clinicians and engineers to digitalise healthcare processes and create, improve, or evaluate meaningful and usable digital healthcare solutions. In 2021, Cristiana received an Early Level Excellence Award from FhP AICOS for her exceptional contributions as a young MSc researcher at the institute. In 2023, she received a 2nd prize in the Innovation category from ARRISCA C, a 2nd prize in the School of Startups from UPTEC, and was one of ten finalists of the NTT Data eAwards '23, among 80 applications.